School Board and Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
School Board
Our School Board is a group of six volunteers working toward the betterment of our school. Two board members must be Catholic with students, one must be a Catholic parishioner, one must be a non-Catholic parent, the other can be any of the above. The final voting member is the Parent Teacher Club (PTC) president.
The School Board's primary function is advisory in nature and it is not to make policy. Other functions include: Planning and establishing a mission statement, goals and future plans; giving general direction for administrative action; Budgeting, establishing tuition costs and policies for financial management; Public relations and marketing; Fundraising and maintenance, as well as communication with parents and parish.
Establishment and implementation of policies is the function of the administrator of St. Nicholas Catholic School and its staff.The Board is not involved in hiring, evaluation or termination of personnel.
The Board typically meets the third Wednesday of every month and any parent is welcome to attend. Members serve a three year term and are elected by May 31st each year. If you are interested in serving on the Board contact a current Board Member or the School at 208-436-6320.
Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Our PTC is a group of four volunteer parents serving in the capacity of President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator. The purpose of the PTC is to help support students, teachers, various school events and fundraising projects. The President is a voting member on the School Board and the voice of the parents.
Each position is a two year term, the Vice-President moves to President the second year of the term. The Volunteer Coordinator and Secretary/Treasurer serve a two year term in the same position. New members are selected in March and take office in May. If you are interested in serving on the PTC please contact a current PTC member or the School at 208-436-6320.